Church Provides ‘Truth and Charity’ Among Gender Confusion
As gender ideology continues to generate confusion, Catholic organizations are stepping up to respond.
In his recent National Catholic Register article, “Amid Nation’s ‘Transgender Moment,’ US Catholics Engage With Truth and Charity,” Jonathan Liedl explores how the Church is responding to gender ideology with truth and charity. He highlights the efforts of Catholic apostolates and leaders who re-propose the Church’s teachings on sexuality in accessible language, using social media tools and a personal touch. Their work helps members of the Church who are struggling with sexual identity to rediscover the truth and beauty that lies within them and to experience the Church’s mercy and compassion.
Liedl speaks highly of symposia held on college campuses that encourage discussions designed to provide a “constructive account of sexual identity from the heart of the Church.” Liedl also gives a shout out to the Catholic Women’s Forum, highlighting our efforts to engage the public with meaningful conversation about the beauty and importance of human sexuality, and to assist the Church by offering training seminars on Catholic anthropology and gender ideology for Catholic leaders and diocesan personnel.
By re-presenting the boldly true and compassionate teachings on sexuality, and extending great mercy to those struggling with sexual identity, the Church invites everyone to discover what it’s really all about: love.
Read the article here.
For further information about gender ideology, transgender issues, and Catholic teachings, visit our “resources” under the “Gender” tab.