
NEWS: CWF has launched The Person and Identity Project

The Catholic Women’s Forum has launched a new initiative, the Person and Identity Project, to provide resources to assist parents, schools, parishes, and dioceses in countering gender ideology with Christian anthropology. Visit the new website to access CWF’s Gender Resources:


This page provides links to selected news and analyses related to gender ideology and gender identity.

Please note: “News” links represent views and information from across the ideological spectrum, including sources that may oppose Catholic teaching. We do not endorse the views of the sources linked here, but include them to assist those who may be working on this issue.

Recent News:

Inés San Martín, Nun ministering to transgender women gets thumbs-up from Pope (Crux, July 25, 2017)

National Catholic Register: Bishop Paprocki Reiterates Catholic Teaching: Repentance Is for All Grave Sin (Jul 26, 2017)

Annabel Scott, Minnesota Ed. Dept Issues ‘Transgender Toolkit’ Guide for Educators (CNS News, July 26, 2017)

Samuel Smith, LGBT Mega-Donor’s ‘Punish The Wicked’ Plan Not Directed at Christians, Rolling Stone Claims (Christian Post, July 26, 2017)

Jardine Malado, New Jersey Governor Approves Bill That Would Allow Transgender Students to Use Restrooms of Their Choice (Christian Times, July 25

Bishop James Conley, Scouting and Gender Ideology (Southern Nebraska Register, July 21, 2017)

Peter Hall, Students Testify in Boyertown Transgender Bathroom Lawsuit (The Morning Call, July 20, 2017)

[Lawsuit by students alleges that allowing transgender students in the locker room violates other students’ privacy.]

Jeanne Sager, The Power of Inclusive Sex Education (The Atlantic, July 17, 2017)

[Promoting LGBTQ-oriented sex education in public schools]

Press Release: Alliance Defending Freedom, Floral Artist Asks US Supreme Court to Protect Her Freedom (July 14, 2017)

Archbishop Charles Chaput, A Letter to the Romans (, July 6, 2017)

[Regarding Fr. James Martin’s Book on the Church and LGBT-identified Catholics, Building a Bridge (2017).]

A Toolkit for Ensuring Safe and Supportive Schools for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students

[Minnesota education draft regulations promoting gender ideology, released June 26, 2017]

Victor Gaetan, Peru Fights Back Against Gender Ideology (The National Catholic Register, June 21, 2017)

Press Release: Growing Pains: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria (The New Atlantis, June 20, 2017)

Paul W. Hruz, Lawrence S. Mayer, Paul R. McHugh, Growing Pains: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender Dysphoria (The New Atlantis, June 20, 2017)

Andy Kroll, Meet the Mega-Donor Behind the LGBTQ Rights Movement (Rolling Stone, June 23, 2017)

CNA Daily New Briefs, Laity, gender ideology shared concerns for Pope and Panama’s bishops (Catholic World Report, June 10, 2017)

[Panama Archbishop: “Gender ideology is demonic…It wants to break with the reality of the family and it does so by getting in so softly that we don’t realize it.”]

CNA Daily News Briefs, Church Needs a Unified Strategy to Counter Gender Ideology (Catholic World Report, May 20, 2017)