True empowerment: 2020 March for Life theme returns to pro-life beliefs of early feminism
January 21, 2020 | Published first in Our Sunday Visitor
The January 2017 Women’s March on Washington was the first of its kind, drawing an estimated 400,000 women (and a few brave men) to Washington to protest the election of President Donald J. Trump. It claimed to be a movement representing virtually all women — that is, until a story in The Atlantic magazine revealed that a pro-life women’s group, New Wave Feminists, had been granted partnership in the event. The Women’s March quickly changed course, stating on their website that “the Women’s March’s platform is pro-choice and that has been our stance from day one. The anti-choice organization in question is not a partner of the Women’s March on Washington. We apologize for this error.” While the New Wave Feminists showed up for the Women’s March anyway (where their signs were torn apart and they were heckled and harassed by March participants), the controversy indeed begged the question: Will the real pro-woman movement please stand up?
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