2019 Symposium Evaluation

Evaluation Survey 2019

2019 CWF Evaluation Survey
  • On a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 being the most positive, please select how you would rate the overall logistics of the Symposium. (venue, schedule, organization, etc.)
  • Please share any improvements to the overall logistics and meals that you would like to suggest for future Symposiums in the box below.
  • On a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 being the most positive, please select how you would rate the overall content of the Symposium.
  • Please share any specific comments you have regarding the topic of Man and Woman in Dialogue: On Identity, Complementarity, and Mission in the box below.
  • Please share any themes or topics you would like to see at future Symposiums in the box below.
  • Please share any comments or suggestions regarding the time spent in fellowship with other symposium participants.
  • Please select any and all that apply
  • Please select any and all that apply
  • Suggest any additional female Catholic scholars or leaders for future Symposiums. Please fill in the fields below. Click on the addition sign at the end of a row to add more people.
  • Please share any additional comments or suggestions in the box below.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.