Natalie Robertson

What is a Human?

In my previous article, I argued that a woman is the kind of human who generates within herself. But we…

What is a Woman?

“What would men be without women? Scarce, sir… mighty scarce.” — attributed to Mark Twain Fifty years ago, only rogue…

25 years after Evangelium Vitae, we still need a “new feminism”

by Michele Schumacher Perhaps at no point in human history has the urgency of the proclamation of the “Gospel of…

Learning the Right Lessons from COVID-19 Can Benefit Mothers after the Pandemic

by Eileen Reuter We all know that Zoom stock is on the rise and that grocery stores are hiring frantically…

Unprecedented Times

by Msgr. Michael Heintz Despite appearances, there have been many other times like these (famines, wars, plagues), though none perhaps…

Have We Been Doing Catholic Women’s Messaging Wrong?

Until we find new ways to reach women and help them to see the deadly ideology that is sold to…

2020 March for Life Conference Keynote

On January 23, 2020, CWF Scholar Erika Bachiochi delivered the Keynote Address at the 2020 March for Life Conference. Watch…

The Feminine Mystique Revisited

Feminine and Feminist Identity Betty Friedan became concerned with the problem of female identity in the 1950’s. This led her…

Why states are trying to end hormones, surgeries for gender-confused children

In nearly a dozen states, lawmakers are seeking to ban experimental medical treatments for children who experience gender dysphoria or…

Sexual Consent and Our Current Throwaway Culture

When it comes to sex, our culture sends a consistent message: “consent” is what counts. But is “sexual consent” really…

A Passionate Pioneer Remembered

When Black History Month is observed each February, news stories often highlight African American women who have made history in…