Letter to Synod Fathers from Catholic Women
October 1, 2015
Dear Synod Fathers in Christ,
In anticipation of the Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family (October 2015), we the undersigned Catholic women—scholars, professors, attorneys, physicians, writers, businesswomen, philanthropists, leaders of apostolate, members of religious orders, and others—wish to express our love for Pope Francis, our fidelity to and gratitude for the doctrines of the Catholic Church, and our confidence in the Synod of Bishops as it strives to strengthen the Church’s evangelizing mission.
Pope Francis has highlighted the need for women to be an “incisive presence” in the Church, and an “effective presence” in the culture, the workplace, and wherever “the most important decisions are taken,” in harmony with women’s “preferential attention” for the family. And Pope St. John Paul II observed that women “have the task of assuring the moral dimension of culture … a culture worthy of the person.” With these ideas in mind, we wish the Synod Fathers to know that:
- We see the teachings of the Church as truth—a source of authentic freedom, equality, and happiness for women.
- We give witness that the Church’s teachings—on the dignity of the human person and the value of human life from conception to natural death; on the meaning of human sexuality, the significance of sexual difference and the complementarity of men and women; on openness to life and the gift of motherhood; and on marriage and family founded on the indissoluble commitment of a man and a woman—provide a sure guide to the Christian life, promote women’s flourishing, and serve to protect the poor and most vulnerable among us.
- We stand in solidarity with our sisters in the developing world against what Pope Francis has described as “forms of ideological colonization which are out to destroy the family” and which exalt the pursuit of “success, riches, and power at all costs.” We urge a profound attentiveness to the poor and a relentless search for just solutions that address the deeper causes of poverty while simultaneously safeguarding the vulnerable, strengthening the family, and upholding the common good.
- We believe that pastoral challenges can be met, in part, by communicating Church teachings more clearly, confidently, and compassionately, in language, tone, and generous personal encounters that welcome the “why?” of a searching heart. We believe that women should be prominent messengers of the truths contained in the Church’s teachings.
- We enthusiastically commit our distinctive insights and gifts, and our fervent prayers, in service to the Church’s evangelizing mission.
And we pledge to accompany you, the Synod Fathers, and Pope Francis with our deepest prayers and gratitude, as you work for the good of families and the Church.
In Christ,
Note: Affiliations are listed for identification purposes only.
Maria Sophia Aguirre, PhD
Professor of Economics
The Catholic University of America
Joanne Angelo, MD
Pontifical Academy for Life
Ellen Barrosse
Founder, A Rose and a Prayer
Mary Ellen Bork, MA
Board Member, Ethics & Public Policy Center
Kathleen Eaton Bravo
Founder, Obria Medical Clinics
Sr. Sara Butler, MSBT, STL, PhD
Professor Emerita of Dogmatic Theology
University of St. Mary of the Lake
Teresa Stanton Collett, JD
Professor of Law
Director, Prolife Center
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List
Jane A. Driver, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Marguerite R. Duane, MD, MHA, FAAFP
Adjunct Associate Professor
Board Certified Family Physician
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Rachel Campos Duffy
Author & Political Pundit
National Spokesperson, The LIBRE Initiative
Wife of U.S. Congressman Sean Duffy (WI)
Mary Eberstadt
Author and Senior Fellow
The Ethics and Public Policy Center
Maggie Gallagher
Co-author of The Case for Marriage
Astrid Bennett Gutierrez
President, Hispanics for Life
Mary Rice Hasson, JD
Fellow and Director of The Catholic Women’s Forum
The Ethics and Public Policy Center
Marie Hilliard, MS, JCL, PhD, RN
Director of Bioethics and Public Policy
The National Catholic Bioethics Center
Sheila Hopkins
President, National Council of Catholic Women
Jody Vaccaro Lewis, PhD
Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception
Jeanne F. Mancini
President, The March for Life
Margaret Harper McCarthy, STL, STD
Editor, Humanum
Assistant Professor of Theological Anthropology
John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
At The Catholic University of America
Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD
President, The Ruth Institute
Mary O’Callaghan, PhD
Public Policy Fellow, Center for Ethics and Culture
University of Notre Dame
Catherine Ruth Pakaluk, PhD
Chair of the Department of Economics
Director and Faculty Research Fellow
Stein Center for Social Research, Ave Maria University
Terry Polakovic
Founder and President
ENDOW (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women)
Gloria Purvis
Chairperson, Black Catholics United for Life
Diana Richardson-Vela
President & CEO, The Catholic Association of Latino Leaders
Karen Garver Santorum, RN, JD
Attorney and Author
Deborah Savage, PhD
Director, Masters in Pastoral Ministry Program
Professor of Philosophy and Pastoral Ministry
St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, University of St. Thomas (MN)
Elizabeth R. Schiltz, JD
Professor of Law and Co-Director
Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Law, Thought, and Public Policy
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Board of Directors, National Catholic Partnership on Disability
Breda Shelton
Board of Trustees, The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Board of Directors, Catholic Charities Fort Worth
Janet E. Smith, PhD
Professor, Father Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Ethics
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Pia de Solenni, STL, SThD
Associate Dean, Augustine Institute
Mary C. Sommers, PhD
Cullen Chair in Business Ethics and Professor of Philosophy
Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas (TX)
Teresa Tomeo
Syndicated Catholic Talk Show Host
Catholic Connection/Catholic View for Women
EWTN Radio and TV
Nora Urrea, MBA, MMF
National Board Member, Catholic Association of Latino Leaders
Rosie Vilegas-Smith
Founder and Director, Voces Unidas por la Vida
Valerie E. Washington
Executive Director, The National Black Catholic Congress
Additional Signers
Myra Addison, MS, MBA
Adjunct Professor of Infrastructure, Energy, and Environment, Integral Development Programs
The Catholic University of America
Julie Alexander
The Alexander House Apostolate
Mary Andrews, MD
Erika Bachiochi, JD
Legal Scholar
Author of Women, Sex & the Church
Amy Barrett, JD
Professor of Law
University of Notre Dame Law School
Sarah Bartel, PhD
Writer, Speaker, and Consultant to the Archdiocese of Seattle
Kari Beckman
Executive Director, Regina Caeli
Amy M. Belger, JD
Laraine Bennett, MA
Editor and Communications Manager
National Council of Catholic Women
Julie Blatty
Speaker and Spiritual Director
Beatriz Lopez Bonetti, MBA
Public Relations Director, School of Business & Economics
The Catholic University of America
Dorinda C. Bordlee, JD
Chief Counsel, Bioethics Defense Fund
Janice Chik Breidenbach, PhD
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Ave Maria University
Cristina Vollmer de Burelli
Executive Director, V5 Initiative
Rebecca Burgess, PhD
Anne Husted Burleigh
Sr. Deirdre Byrne, POSC, MD
Surgeon and Medical Missionary
Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts
Jill Cabes
Physical Therapist
MA Student in Theological Studies
Notre Dame Seminary (LA)
Marjorie Murphy Campbell, JD, JCL
Founder, NewFeminism.co
Rebecca V. Cherico, PhD
Adjunct Instructor
Villanova University
Grazie Pozo Christie, MD
Physician and Senior Policy Advisor
The Catholic Association
Meghan Cokely
Director, Office for the New Evangelization
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Alison Contreras, PhD, FCPI
Caritas Fertility Care
Holly Taylor Coolman, PhD
Assistant Professor of Theology
Providence College
Sandra Lora Cremers, MD, FACS
Ophthalmologist, Visionary Ophthalmology
Melissa Curvino, JD
Glorybell S. Daboub
Faith D. Daggs, MD
Holy Spirit Obstetrics & Gynecology, A Geisinger Affiliate
Sarah Denny, MA, FCP
Speaker, Writer, and Fertility Care Practitioner, Women’s New Life Center
Therese M. Duane, MD, FACS, FCCM
Professor of Surgery
University of North Texas
Medical Director of Acute Care Surgery
Research, John Peter Smith Health System
Emily Duffy
Communications Director
Catholic Information Center
Dawn Eden, STL, STD (candidate)
University of St. Mary of the Lake
Mary D. Elkins
Event Coordinator, Archdiocese of Atlanta
Theresa Farnan, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Maria Fedoryka, PhD
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Ave Maria University
Maureen Ferguson
Senior Policy Advisor
The Catholic Association
Mary Hallan FioRito, JD
Former Executive Assistant to the late Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago
Mary Frank, PhD
Angela Franks, PhD
Professor of Theology at The Theological Institute for the New Evangelization
St. John’s Seminary, Boston, MA
Jennifer Fulwiler
Radio Host
The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM
Laura Garcia, PhD
Scholar in Residence, Department of Philosophy, Boston College
Heidi M. Giebel, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, and Managing Editor, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Lisa Gilbert, MD
Family Physician
Gabrielle Girgis, PhD (cand.)
Politics, Princeton University
Diana C. von Glahn, JD
Producer and Host, The Faithful Traveler
Carol Golbranson
Executive Director, LIFEsocal
Shirley Gonzalez, MD, FAAP
Alexandra Greeley
Author and Editor
Alicia B. Grimaldi
Director of Publishing
The Witherspoon Institute
Arina O. Grossu, MA
Director, Center for Human Dignity
Family Research Council
Kimberly Kirk Hahn
Writer and Co-Founder
St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology
Maria Suarez Hamm
Director of Hispanic Family Life and Leadership Development, Office of Pastoral Ministry and Social Concerns
Archdiocese of Washington
Susan E. Hanssen, PhD
Associate Professor of History
University of Dallas
Margaret H. Hartshorn, PhD
President, Heartbeat International
Mary Healy, PhD
Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Anne Hendershott, PhD
Professor of Sociology
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Lisa Hendey
Author and Founder
Kim Herman
Financial Advisor
Marybeth Hicks
Columnist, Author, and Speaker
Michele Hill
Business Owner
Elsa Rose Hoffman
Former Executive Director
Pure Fashion, Washington, D.C.
Laura Hollis, JD
Associate Professional Specialist, Mendoza College of Business, and Concurrent Associate Professor of Law, Notre Dame Law School
University of Notre Dame
April Hoopes
Writer and Editor
Cassandra L. Hough
Founder, Love & Fidelity Network
Pearl Huang-Ramirez, MD
Family Physician
Fertility Care Consultant
Leticia Ibarra
Adora Kassab Ibrahim
Lighthouse Real Estate Group, Inc.
Maja Ivankovic, PsyD
Assistant Director
Institute for the Psychological Sciences Center for Psychological Services
Carmel Kelly, MD
Assistant Professor, Clinical Medicine
Specialist in Family Medicine and Geriatrics
Elizabeth M. Kelly
Managing Editor
Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and
Elizabeth R. Kirk, JD
Resident Fellow, Stein Center for Social
Research, Ave Maria University
Sr. Hanna Klaus, MD
Executive Director
Natural Family Planning Center of
Washington, D.C., and Teen Star Program
Lisa Klewicki, PhD
Psychologist and Assistant Professor
Institute for the Psychological Sciences
Patricia E. Kolesar, JD
Elyssa Marie Koren, JD
Mary K. Korson, MBA
Associate, Commercial Real Estate Management
Kristin Kuhn
Medical Student, Texas Southwestern Medical School
Caitlin P. La Ruffa
Director, Love & Fidelity Network
Marie Lan Le
Vietnamese family ministry
R. Mary Hayden Lemmons, PhD
Co-director, Siena Symposium for Women, Family, and Culture
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Kerri Lenartowick, MA, STL
Affiliate Instructor of Theology
University of Dallas
Jennie Bradley Lichter, JD
Wendy Stone Long, JD
Attorney and 2012 New York Republican and Conservative Nominee for U.S. Senate
Rachel Lu, PhD
Writer and Adjunct Professor
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Jody M. Lueck, CPA
President, Fully Engaged Consulting, LLC
Katherine E. Lundstrom, MBA
President & CEO, Firm Foundations, Inc.
Marieann Z. Machida, JD
Maria McFadden Maffucci
Editor, Human Life Review
Maria L. Maggi
Senior Editor
Religious publishing
Anne M. Maloney, PhD
Chair and Associate Professor of Philosophy
St. Catherine University
Ann Manion
President, Women’s Care Center, Inc.
Connie Marshner
President, Connie Marshner & Associates
Monica McDaniel, JD
Meg T. McDonnell
Barbara McGuigan
Radio Host, The Good Fight
Ave Maria Radio, EWTN
Ashley E. McGuire
Senior Fellow
The Catholic Association
Amy McInerny, JD
Executive Director, NCHLA
Jennifer E. Miller, STD
Professor of Moral Theology
Notre Dame Seminary (New Orleans, LA)
Marie Miller
Singer and Songwriter
Monica Migliorino Miller, PhD
Associate Professor of Theology, Madonna University
Author of Authority of Women in the Catholic Church
Roxanne Miller
Advancement Director, Private School
Advocate for special needs children
Janet Morana, PD
Executive Director, Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries
Co-Host, The Catholic View for Women
Co-Founder, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
Melissa Moschella, PhD
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
The Catholic University of America
Maura Mudd
Board of Trustees, Susan B. Anthony List
Ines Angeli Murzaku, PhD
Professor and Founding Chair, Department of Catholic Studies
Seton Hall University
Ashley Mutschler
K-12 Educator
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Berni Neal
Board member, Catholic Leadership Institute
Board member, Thomas Aquinas College
Katherine Nikas, JD
Rosalie S. Nolan
Kate O’Beirne
Former Washington Editor, National Review
Elizabeth E. O’Brien
President, Collegiate Cultural Foundation
Anne Orban, MEd, NPDP
Camille Pauley
President and CEO
Healing the Culture
Faith Glavey Pawl, PhD
Professor of Philosophy
University of St. Thomas (MN)
Mary A. D. Petrino, DM, ASID, CID, LEED AP
Businesswoman and Certified Interior Designer
Nancy Piccione
Writer, The Catholic Post and ReadingCatholic.com
Diocese of Peoria
Karen Poehailos, MD, CFCMC
Vice President for Ethics and Standards
American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals
Julie Ponzi, MA
Allison Postell, PhD
Instructor, Philosophy Department
University of Colorado
Kerry Pound, MD
Physician, Salem Hospital
Monica Pourrat, MD, MPH
Kelley Proxmire
President, Kelley Interior Design Services
Mallory Quigley
Communications Director
Susan B. Anthony List
April Readlinger, JD
Martha Reichert
Acting President, ENDOW
Cathy Reilly, RN
Certified Fertility Care Specialist
Rosario Reilly
Founder, Aquinas Learning, LLC
Kathleen B. Rice
Monika Rice, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Catholic Studies Department
Seton Hall University
Michele Ritchie-Moore
Combat Veteran
Darla Romfro, JD
Mary Roque, JD
Rose Marie Rudolph
Executive Director, Behold Catholic Women’s Ministries
Ana Samuel, PhD
Research Scholar, Witherspoon Institute
Barbara Samuells
President, Catholics for Religious Freedom
Susan Selner-Wright, PhD
Associate Professor, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput Chair in Philosophy
St. John Vianney Theological Seminary
Carrie Severino, JD
Chief Counsel and Policy Director
Judicial Crisis Network
Elizabeth Shaw, PhD
Lecturer, School of Philosophy Associate Editor, The Review of Metaphysics
The Catholic University of America
Serena Sigillito
Managing Editor
Public Discourse, The Online Journal of the Witherspoon Institute
Grace Simon, MDiv
The Evangelical Catholic
Elyse M. Smith, JD
Leigh Fitzpatrick Snead, MA
Contributing Editor, Altfem Magazine
Mariangela Carroll Sullivan, JD
Rosemary C. Sullivan
Executive Director
National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors
Catherine Szeltner
EWTN News Nightly
Rebecca Ryskind Teti, MA
Director of Women’s Programs
Our Lady of Bethesda Retreat Center
Mary Thompson
Senior Faculty and Ballet Mistress
Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre
Hilary Towers, PhD
Psychologist and Author
Susan Orr Traffas, PhD
Co-Director, Honors Program
Benedictine College
Dianne Marie Traflet, JD, STD
Associate Dean, Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology
Seton Hall University
Mary-Rose Verret
Author and Founder
Witness to Love: Marriage Prep Renewal Ministry
Mary Vigil
Director of Medical Services
Archdiocese of Washington
Evelyn Birg Vitz, PhD
Professor of French and Affiliated Professor of Comparative Literature, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and Religious Studies
New York University
Laurie Vuoto
Senior News Writer & Editor, Alliance Defending Freedom
Teresa R. Wagner, JD
Bernadette Waterman Ward, PhD
Associate Professor of English
University of Dallas
Mary Sheehan Warren
Corporate Trainer and Writer
Johanna Webber, JD
Wife of Assemblyman Jay Webber, NJ-26
Lisa Wheeler
President, Carmel Communications
Amina White, MD
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sally White, MD
Susan Windley-Daoust, PhD
Associate Professor of Theology
St. Mary’s University of Minnesota
Elizabeth Yore, JD
Founder, Yore Children
Katrina J. Zeno, MTS
Founder, Theology of the Body for Everyone
Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, PhD
Assistant Professor, Loyola University (New Orleans)
Luanne D. Zurlo, MBA
Assistant Professor of Finance
The Catholic University of America