Courts, Culture, and the Church: Anticipating the Trump Presidency
CWF Panel: Courts, Culture, and the Church: Anticipating the Trump Presidency from Ethics and Public Policy Center on Vimeo.
Washington, D.C. power panel of Catholic women: On December 7th, 2016 at the Army-Navy Club, our all-star line up of panelists anticipated what was ahead for courts, culture, and the Church in a Trump Administration. Panelists included Kim Daniels, Principal with the Communications Practice Group, GP Catholic, an attorney, and recent appointee to the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communication; Maggie Gallagher, Senior Fellow at the American Principles Project and author of The Case for Marriage; and Carrie Severino, former Supreme Court clerk to Justice Thomas, and Chief Counsel and Policy Director of the Judicial Crisis Network. Moderated by Mary Hallon FioRito, Cardinal Francis George Visiting Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and co-sponsored by the Catholic Women’s Forum and the Catholic Information Center.