2018 Symposium

The Sexual Revolution: Truth and Consequences

This two-day symposium of Catholic women scholars shed light on the truth and consequences of the sexual revolution and critically assesses its broken promises. With the encouragement of the Women’s Office of the Dicastery on Laity, Family, and Life, we chose to focus on the sexual revolution in light of the milestone anniversaries of Humanae Vitae, Mulieris Dignitatem, and Veritatis Splendor. Our scholars will discussed developments in cultural and anthropological assumptions, and gave particular attention to theological and pastoral questions on conscience, accompaniment, and pastoral care.

The Symposium was followed by a successful public forum “The #MeToo Moment: Second Thoughts on the Sexual Revolution” which gathered experts in law, medicine, and psychology to discuss the harms of the sexual revolution in light of the current cultural moment.

Click below for the 2018 Symposium’s topics and agenda.




Co-sponsored by The Catholic Women’s Forum at EPPC and The Catholic Information Center